City of Ardis Heights
The neighborhood has a few impressive features, including the fact that the median price of real estate in Ardis Heights Texas is less than the price of real estate in 82.6% of the U.S. Similarly, the average rental price in Ardis Heights is lower than the average rent in 50.9% of the U.S. This is because most of the homes in the neighborhood are occupied by a mixture of owners and renters. The median real estate price is $146,312 which is a lot less than the average price in the U.S. Similarly, the largest vacancy rate in Ardis Heights is 4.1%, which is also less than the average vacancy rate in the U.S. Nevertheless, the most interesting feature of the neighborhood is the fact that it is a place with a plethora of amenities that make it a desirable location to live. Find more interesting information about us.
Another important feature of the neighborhood is the fact that it has one of the largest number of public parks in the country. Moreover, it is located near the San Antonio metropolitan area, making it easy for residents to take advantage of the many amenities available to them. In addition, it is situated near the quaint town of Revlon, which is a fun place to visit. If you are considering moving to Ardis Heights, Texas, you should consider all of these factors in order to determine whether or not this community is the best fit for you. View more on cities in the area.
The city’s newest feature is the “Ardis Heights Community Center”, which will be used to promote community events and activities. This community center will also include recreational facilities such as a swimming pool and a golf course. It will also feature a library and other places to meet with neighbors.
Besides the usual suspects like the library and gym, the Ardis Heights community center will also feature a children’s activity center that will be used to promote healthy lifestyles among its residents. Additionally, a children’s theater will be open at the center during the winter. In addition, the community center will also feature a playground and a pond for children to play in.
Other notable features of the Ardis Heights neighborhood include the fact that it is in the same time zone as San Antonio, Texas, which is home to the San Antonio Spurs. In addition, it is also in the same time zone as Dallas, Texas, which is home to the Dallas Cowboys. In addition, it is also in an area with excellent road conditions, which is a major plus for any homebuyer.