City of Lavon
The most pleasant month of the year in Lavon is May. During this month, you can expect an average of 11.3 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation. It’s also the month with the highest average rainfall. This number varies a lot from year to year, but the average rainfall in Lavon is over 30 days long.
The hot season lasts for about 3.5 months in Lavon. During this time, the average temperature rarely rises above 101 degrees. The coldest month of the year in Lavon is January. This is also the month with the lowest average high temperature. You can expect to get an average of 5.7 days with at least 0.04 inches of precipitation in January. Get more information.
Lavon has a humid subtropical climate. This means that it’s often hot and humid during the summer months. During the winter, the weather can be pretty cold and windy. The average wind speed in Lavon is about 9.8 miles per hour. The windiest month of the year is March.
The Lavon beach/pool score is comprised of a temperature score, a cloud cover score, and a precipitation score. The temperature score favors perceived temperatures between 75 degrees and 90 degrees. The cloud cover score favors clear, rain-free days, and the precipitation score favors days with less than one inch of precipitation. Enjoy this content today.
The Lavon livability score is calculated using advanced statistical models. This is a mathematical formula that incorporates the city’s overall happiness and cost of living. The score is also based on the weighting of city variables. The livability score for Lavon is above average. The city ranks well in the following areas: diversity, education, crime, and the weather.
The Lavon beach/pool score, which is composed of a temperature score, a cloud coverage score, and a precipitation score, favors clear, rain-free days. The weather in Lavon can be a little on the cold side in the winter, but that doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable.
The Lavon growing season lasts for about a month and a half, but rarely ends before November 2. The weather in Lavon is not exactly hot or cold, but it does have a few cool months and hot months. In fact, Lavon has one of the longest growing seasons of any city in Texas.
The Lavon livability score contains the aforementioned factors, but also includes the Lavon city’s best neighborhoods. This can be a great place to live, with thriving industries, great schools, and a healthy, safe environment. In addition to its great quality of life, Lavon also has an outstanding transportation system. This includes a great network of freeways and tollways. The average commute time in Lavon is about 26.4 minutes.