S12 Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

Located in the heart of Dallas’s Historic West End, the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum is dedicated to teaching history and advancing human rights. The Museum’s mission is to combat prejudice, hatred, and indifference. You can visit the museum at 300 N Houston St, Dallas, TX 75202. More information.

The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum was founded in 1984 by a group of Dallas-area Holocaust survivors. The Museum’s original location was in the basement of the Aaron Family Jewish Community Center. However, soon after the museum opened, it outgrew its space. By 2005, the museum had moved to rented quarters on Record Street. In the early days, the museum had only a single permanent exhibit, which looked at April 19, 1943, the day the Nazis began their mass killings.

The Museum is devoted to telling the story of the Holocaust in a personal, thought-provoking way. It is a place of learning, not just about the Holocaust, but about other genocides as well. The Museum has 27 unique exhibits, including a large memorial courtyard, a climate-controlled library, and two 50-seat classrooms. In addition to its permanent exhibits, the Museum has several traveling exhibits that take visitors across the world to learn about other genocides. The Museum has also digitized testimonies of Holocaust survivors.

The Museum is a beacon of light. It is a place where anyone can learn about the Holocaust and the development of civil rights in America. The Museum has been visited by over 80,000 people in 2018. In 2018, 34,000 school children visited the Museum. In the coming years, the Museum hopes to host 200,000 people per year.

The Museum has recently launched its first full-fledged brand campaign. The campaign will run over a multi-year period and will include many media channels. The campaign’s central theme is the Museum’s role as a repository of memory. The Museum will also be tasked with exposing the Museum’s educational resources to a broader audience.

The Museum’s mission is to educate and inspire visitors to act in a manner that combats prejudice, hatred, and indifference. The Museum is launching its first brand campaign to coincide with its new location in the West End Historic District. Tegan Digital, a local agency of record, spearheaded the Museum’s strategy and design. The agency also led copywriting and visual storytelling.

The Museum also has an exhibit on the Civil Rights Movement. This includes a representation of Piccadilly Cafeteria, a local site-in-site that played a major role in the movement. The Museum also features colorful “Upstander” bracelets, which have become a recognizable symbol of Museum work.

The museum is also home to a special exhibition, Book Smugglers. This exhibition focuses on the smuggling of books across borders during the Holocaust, when thousands of rare books were buried in bunkers in the Vilnius ghetto.

The Museum is also home to two 50-seat classrooms, which are used for educational programs. The Museum has developed a new logo and brand identity. Next article.